Matheus Almeida's iconMatheusAlmeida

Matheus Almeida 👋

I'm a front-end developer based in Manaus, Brazil. I'm interested in clean code, simple/usable design and creative coding.

I'm currently looking for new opportunities to grow as a developer.

Previously, I worked at Desenrolado, where I built 18 interactive activities for school children using React.js. Before that, I worked at Kolabs, built the company's landing page and led their UI development projects.

Experience 💼

Projects 💡

Having Matheus on the frontend project with ReactJS and CSS was a great experience! During the time we worked together, he not only excelled but practically took the reins of the project.

Matheus is an exceptional professional capable of leading and carrying out tasks independently. His ability to not only meet deadlines, but also conduct work autonomously was impressive. Read more

– Ricardo Alcantara, Information Technology Analyst